jane eyre chapter 34
- Created by: Kimberley Short
- Created on: 10-12-17 17:34
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- Jane Eyre Chapter 34
- In the winter holidays jane closes her school and spends Christmas with Mary and Diana
- St John is very distant and when asked about Rosamond Oliver he tells them she recently married a wealthy aristocrat
- St John finds Jane learning German and he suggests that she learns Hindostanee the language he is learning for his missionary work.
- Jane agrees and notes that he is becoming a strong influence over her.
- Time passes and St John takes Jane on a walk up on the hills and he tells Jane about her amazing qualities and proposes to her.
- He also asks Jane to accompany him on his missionary work.
- Jane realises that she could never be happy as his wife and tells him she would be happy to go as his sister.
- St John responds to Jane by saying that by denying his proposal she is denying the Christian faith.
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