James II
- Created by: K_Swan
- Created on: 25-04-22 20:13
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- James II
- Finance
- Granted £2 million by 1st Parliament
- Religion
- James was a Catholic ruler in a Protestant Country
- General fear of Catholicism
- Preachers forbidden from attacking the Catholic Church
- Declaration of indulgence 1687
- Demands it be read from pulpits
- 7 bishops case
- Demands it be read from pulpits
- Appoints 6 Catholics to privy council
- Godden vs Hales 1686 dispensing power
- James was a Catholic ruler in a Protestant Country
- Parliament Relations
- Godden vs Hales 1686 dispensing power
- Immortal letter
- William Invades and James flees, 1688
- Tories claim James abdicates, Whigs claim James was legally overthrown
- Mary of Modena gives birth to son
- Prospect of Catholic dynasty
- Domestic Policy
- Argyll and Monmouth's rebellion 1685
- Bloody Assizes
- Kept Standing army
- Immortal letter
- William Invades and James flees, 1688
- Immortal letter
- Over 2/3 of the Irish Army is Catholic by 1686
- Argyll and Monmouth's rebellion 1685
- Finance
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