James 1
- Created by: x.kirsty_
- Created on: 30-09-20 12:36
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- James I
- Religion
- Religious hierarchy: King, Archbishop, Priests, Bishops
- Not every Scottish province had a bishop
- 'No Bishop! No King!'
- Most religions wanted to remove James as head of the church but he wanted to remain
- Archbishop of Canterbury 1611 - George Abbot
- Not every Scottish province had a bishop
- Catholics vs Protestants
- Tolerant towards Catholics
- Angered Parliament
- Parliament
- Hated Catholics
- Displeased with Catholic alliance
- No right to challenger king's prerogative
- Displeased with Catholic alliance
- Up and down relationship with the monarch
- Nobles and land owners could vote
- Divided within itself
- the many voices and opinions caused arguments
- Scottish parliament was fast and organised, English was slow and chaotic
- England had 1 one legislative body, Scotland had multiple
- James had a lack of control and power over the English parliament. HE had a lot of control over the Scottish parliament
- England had 1 one legislative body, Scotland had multiple
- Hated Catholics
- James was desperate for money, so sold out to please Parliament and began persecuting Catholics
- Gunpowder plot
- Stricter Persecution of Catholics
- Catholics vs Protestants
- Stricter Persecution of Catholics
- Gunpowder plot
- Parliament
- Angered Parliament
- Religious hierarchy: King, Archbishop, Priests, Bishops
- King's Court
- Immoral - drunkenness, fluid sexuality, very extravagant
- James's Ideologies and Experience
- Parliament
- Hated Catholics
- Displeased with Catholic alliance
- No right to challenger king's prerogative
- Displeased with Catholic alliance
- Up and down relationship with the monarch
- Nobles and land owners could vote
- Divided within itself
- the many voices and opinions caused arguments
- Scottish parliament was fast and organised, English was slow and chaotic
- England had 1 one legislative body, Scotland had multiple
- James had a lack of control and power over the English parliament. HE had a lot of control over the Scottish parliament
- England had 1 one legislative body, Scotland had multiple
- Hated Catholics
- Religion
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