Debate: Is Psychology A Science?
- Created by: Ben
- Created on: 04-06-13 09:03
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- Is Psychology a Science???
- What is Science?
- Science is a systematic study which involves observation, experiment and measurement
- Falsification
- Reductionism
- breaking complex things down to make it more simple
- science typically takes a reductionist approach
- breaking complex things down to make it more simple
- Scientific Subject Matter
- something that can be studied
- most things in psycho cant be studied scientifically
- Untitled
- most things in psycho cant be studied scientifically
- something that can be studied
- What is Science?
- A science should involve the following 5 features:
- Hypothetico Deductive Model
- Falsification
- Reductionism
- Falsification
- What is Science?
- Science is a systematic study which involves observation, experiment and measurement
- Hypothetico Deductive Model
- Paradigm
- Scientific Subject matter
- Falsification
- can you test the hypothesis?
- can you prove it wrong?
- is it useful if you can't falsify it?
- eg. are all swans white
- is it useful if you can't falsify it?
- can you prove it wrong?
- Paradigm
- a guiding set of beliefs accepted by a majority
- Is Psychology a Science???
- Reductionism
- breaking complex things down to make it more simple
- science typically takes a reductionist approach
- breaking complex things down to make it more simple
- Scientific Subject Matter
- something that can be studied
- most things in psycho cant be studied scientifically
- Untitled
- most things in psycho cant be studied scientifically
- something that can be studied
- Reductionism
- can define how research is done, what methods are acceptable
- these can change due to more discoveries
- there is not 1 followed paradigm in psychology
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