Irish History (Pre-1900s)
- Created by: marcus cunningham
- Created on: 18-01-13 08:58
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- Irish History 1867-1922 (Pre-1900)
- William Gladstone: A Liberal Prime Minister, who was a very good advocate for humanitarian work in Ireland. A very religious man who felt his main aim in office was to "pacify Ireland".
- Irish Church Act: Gladstone disestablished the Church of Ireland. This meant that Catholic farmers no longer had to pay tithes (taxes) to the Church.
- First Land Act: This land act brought in the three f's which were:
- Free Sale: This allowed Tenants to make money on the selling of the land, if they made changes to the land.
- Fair Rents: Rent prices were now based on a tribunal decision as opposed to the landlord.
- Fixity of Tenure:
- William Gladstone: A Liberal Prime Minister, who was a very good advocate for humanitarian work in Ireland. A very religious man who felt his main aim in office was to "pacify Ireland".
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