Irish Home rule bill
- Created by: victoriaclay98
- Created on: 15-06-17 15:47
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- Irish Home Rule
- Opposition to home rule
- Conservatives opposed home rile and supported the Ulster Unionists who were in favour of raining under British rule.
- They said it would undermine Britians great power status by breaking up the UK
- Ulster Unionists now had to resists the Home Rule under the leader ship of Edward Carson
- protesting against the introduction third home rule bill-signed it in there own blood
- when the Bill was passed in the Commons in 1913 Carson built an Army
- Conservatives opposed home rile and supported the Ulster Unionists who were in favour of raining under British rule.
- After the 1910 election the liberals were dependenton the support of the Irish Nationalists in order to stay in power
- These MPs led by John Redmond wnatedIrish Home rule and believed the parliament act had finally made it possible
- In 1912 the third home rule bill began in progress through parliament (power to give irish its own parliemtn and power but british would still have control over other policies and they would still continue to send MPs to Westminster
- Suspended due to the war, outbreak from germany to britian
- Opposition to home rule
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