Investigations- Abortion.
- Created by: beccabrewster
- Created on: 03-04-14 13:38
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- Investigations- Abortion.
- Background
- general principles
- issues
- consent
- informed consent
- Rights
- Rights of the father
- the rights of the father are very rarely discussed.
- the most common case concerning fathers and abortion is when he wants her to have an abortion and she doesnt
- sometimes the mother wants an abortion and the father doesnt.
- is an abortion ever morally wrong because it transgresses the fathers rights?
- Philosopher George W. Harris- there are circumstances under which a woman's decision to have an abortion would be morally wrong as it would do harm to the father.
- if the father has a morally legitimate interest in having a child, and the mother misleads the father into believing she will give him a child if he does certain things, and the father does there things for the specific purpose of having a family, it is wrong for the mother to deliberately prevent the father from having that child.
- involves deliberate deception by the woman:
- he wants children but she doesn't.
- she decieves him by not telling him she doesnt want a family.
- he is delighted but she aborts the unborn child.
- the mother has a relationship as part of a strategy to hurt men.
- she pretends to love him, and pretends to want a child.
- involves deliberate deception by the woman:
- if the father has a morally legitimate interest in having a child, and the mother misleads the father into believing she will give him a child if he does certain things, and the father does there things for the specific purpose of having a family, it is wrong for the mother to deliberately prevent the father from having that child.
- the rights of the father are very rarely discussed.
- Rights of the father
- consent
- issues
- brief historical overview
- general principles
- abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy.
- Religious principles
- christian position
- all consider to be undesirable.
- humans are made in the image of God and human life is holy
- christian position
- Background
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