Investigating mitosis
- Created by: jessicawarren
- Created on: 06-04-16 13:10
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- Investigating mitosis
- Root tip practical
- 1: Cut 1cm root tip
- 2: Prepare boiling tube containing 1M HCl an place in 60 degree waterbath
- 3: Transfer root tip to water bath, incubate for 5 minutes
- 4: Rinse root tip with water using pipette, leave to dry on paper towel
- 5: Place root tip on glass slide, cut 2mm from top
- 6: Use mounted needle to break tip open and spread cells out
- 7: Add few drops of stain in order to see chromosomes
- 8: Place cover slipover cells, push down to squash tissue, view through optical microscope
- Use of optical microscope
- 1: Clip slide onto stage
- 2: Select lowest powered objective lens
- 3: Use coarse adjustment knob to move lens just above slide
- 4: Look down at eyepiece and adjust focus with fine adjustment knob until clear image is obtained
- 5: To see with greater magnification, swap to a higher powered objective lens
- Mitotic Index= no.of cells with visible chromosomes\total no. of cells
- Artefacts
- Aren't part of specimen
- Formed from dust, air bubbles, fingerprints
- Made during prep of slides, shouldn't be there
- Common in electron micrographs, need a lot of prep
- Root tip practical
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