Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
- Created by: _lucyallinson
- Created on: 17-03-20 21:59
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- Organisational Behaviour
- Leadership
- Definitions of leadership
- Trait theory
- Behaviour theory
- Contingency theory
- Transformational leadership
- Motivation
- What and why of motivation
- Role and consequence of satisfaction
- Role of money
- Content theories
- Maslow
- McClelland
- Herzberg
- Process theories
- Adnams equity theory
- Locke goal-setting theory
- Vroom expectancy theory
- Role of job design
- Practical implications
- What and why of motivation
- Groups/Teamwork
- Difference between groups and teams
- Benefits and drawbacks of teamwork in modern day organisations
- Tuckman's idea on group development
- How people change behaviour in groups
- How to stimulate high performance teams
- Group decision making
- Asch experiment
- Groupthink application
- Organisational Structure/Job Design
- Definitions of structure and why its important
- Concepts of structure
- Adam Smith's division of labour/work specialisation
- Departmentalisation
- Formalisation
- Centralisation
- Examples of organisational designs
- Functional hierarchy
- The bureaucracy
- The matrix design
- Networked/project teams
- Holacracy
- Historical view of organising and designing jobs
- Adam Smith
- Taylorism
- Analysis of Hackman and Oldham's (1976) job characteristics model
- Organisational structures evolve depending on an organisation's size, industry and context
- Organisational Culture/Creativity
- Definitions of organisational culture
- Schein's (1985) layers of culture
- Why is it important
- Other concepts
- Subcultures
- Socialisation
- Strong and weak culture
- Role of creativity and innovation in organisations
- Power and politics
- Definitions of power
- Bases of power
- Employee responses to use of different bases
- French and Raven's ideas
- Lukes' 3 faces of power
- Definitions and examples of organisational politics
- Applications of organisational politics
- Leadership
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