- Created by: eviedeehan
- Created on: 25-03-24 18:40
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- Interviews
- favoured by positivists
- say they reveal the attitudes and behaviours of people in everyday life
- interpretivists say they are artificial situations and only reveal what the interviewee wants them to know
- interviewer bias
- structured interviews
- precoded qs - positivists
- good response rate, overcome issues of literacy
- reliable - same question answered and can be compared and replicated with other groups
- good for getting facts e.g age, sex and jobs - quantitative data
- reduced interviewer bias, few ethical issues
- time consuming and costly e.g vs questionnaires - interview schedule cause imposition problems
- unstructured interviews
- guided conversation, open ended questions
- interpretivists say they offer more flexibility - can be more open increasing validity
- ambiguities cleared, interviewer can assess honesty and validity of replies during the interview
- avoids ethical issues
- time consuming and costly - less interviews conducted
- less reliable as less repeatable
- group interviews may lead to peer pressure and conformity
- favoured by positivists
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