Int'l Trade
- Created by: Aimen Kamran
- Created on: 04-06-13 19:36
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- International Trade
- Closed economy
- doesn't take part in int'l trade
- Average costs likely high
- Open economies
- widen production possibilities greatly due to trade
- Closed economy
- also widens consumption possibilities
- Open economies
- widen production possibilities greatly due to trade
- Open economies
- Specialisation and division of labour
- Comparative advantage
- Absolute advantage
- Specialisation and division of labour
- Comparative advantage
- Specialisation and division of labour
- Output gains
- Import controls and protectionism
- International Trade
- Closed economy
- doesn't take part in int'l trade
- Average costs likely high
- Closed economy
- International Trade
- Case against import controls
- Import controls and protectionism
- Import controls and protectionism
- Case for import controls
- The pattern of world trade
- North/North
- The pattern of world trade
- The pattern of world trade
- South/North
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