International Standing of the USA 1945-80
- Created by: RisingEmerald
- Created on: 08-04-19 06:38
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- International Standing of the US 1945-80
- Economic power
- Johnson
- Economic boom 1963-67
- Low unemployment
- Low inflation
- 1967-68 Inflation & Budget Deficit
- 60% of Americans viewed high cost of living as main concern
- Economic boom 1963-67
- Johnson
- Int'l image
- Truman
- Capitalist superpower (Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan)
- Military superiority - atom bomb (1945)
- Strongest economy
- Eisenhower
- Consumer boom led to US prestige as prosperous nation (1955 kitchen debate)
- Peacemaker reputation - NATO (1949), SEATO, Korean War
- World influence - covert warfare
- Kennedy
- Humiliated by Bay of Pigs as imperialist etc.
- Cuban Missile Crisis success in intimidating Khrushchev
- But successful in containment
- West 'free nation' propaganda - Ich Bin Ein Berlin
- Johnson
- US appeared like bully in Vietnam
- But successful in containment
- Seemed weak due to domestic problems in Cold War
- Lacked support from allies
- US appeared like bully in Vietnam
- Nixon
- Failed to carry out containment in S. Vietnam
- Deposed regimes in Latin America using CIA
- Ford and Carter
- No longer had lead of 1945
- GNP still highest in world
- Somewhat successful diplomacy in ME
- Truman
- Military Power
- Truman
- Atomic bomb tested in 1945
- Truman Doctrine - 1947 (moral duty of military to fight communism)
- Eisenhower
- Cont'd to stockpile nuclear weapons 1500 - 6000
- H-bomb 1952
- Cont'd to stockpile nuclear weapons 1500 - 6000
- Kennedy
- Naval and nuclear supremacy by 1963
- Truman
- Societal malaise
- Criticism for human rights internationally
- Economic power
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