Interconnected World - development
- Created by: madeline_4647
- Created on: 11-05-23 13:18
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- Development
- Poverty and development agenda
- the myth of a developed and developing world
- MDG's 2000 - 2015
- ambiguous
- how do we define extreme, or combat
- they are targets so how do we measure it?
- how do we decide what is a target and what isnt
- eg. extreme poverty & hunger. eg combat disease
- critical questions
- what is a priority? whos responsibility? endless cycle and connections?
- SDG's -2015
- took over MDG's - some new goals and some goals split
- new eg affordable and clean energy, climate action
- some expanded eg clean water and sanitation
- Global challenges
- eg health - tackle disease. eg clean energy - access to it
- UK global challenges
- climate & biodiversity. Girls ed. Global health security
- Institutes of development
- NGO's eg Oxfam
- gov development agencies eg
- International donors
- eg EU, UN, IMF
- Corporate enterprises
- Multinational corporations
- children and youth
- political participation
- volunteers and activists
- Megaphilanthropists
- The Giving Peldge
- effective? how far does it go?
- The Giving Peldge
- Raising money through causumerism
- More about money and deflecting attention?
- The UN
- HQ washington
- Programmes globally
- case study _ Ghana
- does money alone make the world go round?
- Climate change and development
- No single answer to climate change
- Anthropogenic - reliance on carbon increasing negative effects
- depends on how we measure it
- Importance of methane
- Kyoto Protocol
- hard to point fingers at one country
- loss & damage fund
- trade off and priorities
- Climate Capitalism
- carbon emissions markets
- Green capitalism
- eg china investing in solar and tech to boost economy
- Clean development (Kyoto project)
- not global
- emissions trading and carbon markets aka carbon colonialism
- carbon fraud? pollution penalties?
- REDD - UN, indigenous groups disagree
- Biofuels
- fuel vs food
- Countries rely on eachother for food
- Gender and evironment
- gender dualism
- culturally significant things are gendered.
- masculinist development
- active = men passive = women
- Ecofeminism
- women have better understanding of environmental protection
- The Chipko Movement
- women in Himalayas took effective action to stop tree felling
- saved 12000 km2 of sensitive forrest
- destruction in the name of development
- multispecies to monocultures
- essentialism
- ecofeminism
- gendered division of labour
- gendered politics
- gender dualism
- Poverty and development agenda
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