Interactionist approach to schizophrenia
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 16-04-19 16:51
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- Interactionist approach
- Diathesis-stress model
- Schizogene exists but must be triggered by external stressor to develop schizophrenia
- Genetic vulnerability + Negative psychological experience
- Psychological stressors include: family dysfunction; substance abuse; critical life events
- Research evidence
- Barlow and Durand (2009) Family history coupled with dysfunctional stressor increased risk
- Tienari et al (2004) Those reared in "healthy" families were protected, even with high genetic risk
- Treatments
- Drugs first to reduce symptoms so that psychological treatments work better
- Turkington et al Schizophrenia has a biological basis but uses CBT to relieve psychological symptoms
- Evaluation
- Supported by research evidence
- Practical applications; shows schizophrenia needs combined therapies
- Less reductionist than bio/psych explanations as takes both into account
- States schizophrenia caused by schizogene when we know it is polygenic
- Treatment-causation fallacy; just because a treatment works doesn't mean we have found the cause
- Diathesis-stress model
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