Interactionalist Explanations for Crime and Deviance.
- Created by: KeelanCooke190596
- Created on: 14-05-15 20:20
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- Interactionalism.
- S.Cohen.
- Mods and Rockers.
- Media exaggerated the issue.
- Moral Panic.
- Folk Devil.
- Self Fulfilling Prophecy.
- Scapegoat.
- Media exaggerated the issue.
- Mods and Rockers.
- Becker.
- Deviant Career.
- Moral Entrepreneur.
- Master Status.
- Reiss.
- Negotiation of label.
- Male Prostitutes.
- Negotiation of label.
- Young.
- Deviance Amplification.
- Drug use being pushed underground.
- Lemert.
- Primary Deviance.
- The actual act of deviance.
- Secondary Deviance.
- The effects of being labelled.
- Primary Deviance.
- Feurdi.
- Moral Panics occur when the society fails to respond to social change.
- S.Cohen.
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