Intelligence & Reasoning (W24,25)
- Created by: HannahSusanRussell
- Created on: 25-04-20 17:55
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- Intelligence
- Theories of Intellegence
- Spearman's two factor theory: General intelligence and specific intellectual ability.
- Spearman & Pearson : Factor Analysis
- WAUS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: 11 subtests eg: comprehension
- Sternbergs Triarchic theory of intelligence: componential intelligence (analytical), experiential intelligence (new ideas), contextual intelligence.
- Garners Multiple Intelligences: linguistic, musical, logical, spatial, kinaesthetic,personal intelligence
- Spearman's two factor theory: General intelligence and specific intellectual ability.
- Sex Differences
- Spatial ability: men better
- Visuospatial : women better
- Approaches to intelligence
- Evolutionary: men are better at spatial cognition as they are hunters and navigators
- Spatial ability: men better
- Psychosocial: Sex differences are learnt through experience or imitation
- Biological: hormone regulation and brain organisation causes differences between sexes
- Cognitive: attention put on certain intelligences
- Evolutionary: men are better at spatial cognition as they are hunters and navigators
- Approaches to intelligence
- Evolutionary: men are better at spatial cognition as they are hunters and navigators
- Psychosocial: Sex differences are learnt through experience or imitation
- Biological: hormone regulation and brain organisation causes differences between sexes
- Cognitive: attention put on certain intelligences
- Evolutionary: men are better at spatial cognition as they are hunters and navigators
- Early intelligence tests
- Modern Intelligence tests
- Stanford Binet Scale: various tasks to result in a mental age
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale: WAIS-III current version: vocab, arithmetic, block design comprehension, object assembly
- Verbal IQ and Performance IQ
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale: WAIS-III current version: vocab, arithmetic, block design comprehension, object assembly
- Nutrition
- Heriditry
- Ageing
- Dementia
- Modern Intelligence tests
- Thinking
- Classifying
- Formal Concepts: defined listing essential characteristics
- Deductive Reasoning: Getting rid of info... inferring instances from general principles / rules
- Inductive Reasoning: Gaining info... inferring principles / rules from specific facts.
- Mental Models- mental constructions based on physical reality.
- Confirmation Bias: people seek answers that support their own pre-hypothesis
- Sure thing principle: If you prefer a to b in one state, you should in all.
- Probability heuristic: similar to confirmation bias but ignores facts, simply guided by own thoughts.
- Sure thing principle: If you prefer a to b in one state, you should in all.
- Classifying
- Problem Solving
- Spatial Metaphor: thinking of the problem as finding a path to a solution. if we have experience, we may find shortcuts.
- Occurs in frontal lobes
- Somatic marker hypothesis: involve automatic, endocrine and musculoskeletal routes
- Reasoning
- Prefrontal cortex & parietal lobe
- Theories of Intellegence
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