- Created by: Elle
- Created on: 30-05-14 17:12
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- Inspector...
- 'Goole'
- cheesy irony;) but connotations of ghost- links to the ending is he is a spector, real or fake???
- their consciences
- not the real inspector
- giving them a second chance to tell the t truth
- he is very rushed towards the end and says 'I haven't much time'- implying he maybe knows that the real inspector will be coming soon
- characteristics
- seems omniscient
- all knowing, knows about the suicide ,all of the events just waiting for them to admit what they did themselves
- authoritative
- takes control, even more powerful than Mr Birling
- ironic that he interrupts Mr Birlings 'important' speech- shows his power
- takes control, even more powerful than Mr Birling
- he is harsh but truthful
- makes others feel guilty- repeats the phrase 'nasty mess'
- not impressed with social status
- unsettling- uses phrases such as...
- we'll see
- all in good time
- 'an impression of massiveness'
- Mrs Birling- 'he made quite the impression on Sheila
- logical
- works through each of the characters individually allowing them to piece the story together
- calm and concise and generally collected 'yes, quite so' always punctuated by a full stop but you can see he is getting angrier when his sentences become longer
- 'I think you did a terrible thing'
- 'regretting for the rest of your life'
- seems omniscient
- Purpose in the play
- could be seen as the voice of reason
- god like image
- all knowing
- sheila tells gerald 'of course he knows'
- brings knowledge and truth
- Fire,blood and anguish speech
- shows Priestleys views
- to show how actions and consequences link and bring responsibility
- 'We are responsible for each other'
- could be seen as the voice of reason
- 'Goole'
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