- Created by: z_mills1
- Created on: 27-05-14 15:14
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- Input
- seeing, hearing, feeling etc. all the things that are going on around you - known as perceiving the situation
- Display
- the environment that provides information for the senses
- Stimulus identification stage
- first stage of information processing
- sense organs detect information and recognise it for what it is
- Perception
- the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting and organising sensory information
- DCR process
- Detection
- the process of the registering of the stimulus, by the sense organ
- Comparison
- the process of referring the stimulus to the memory - to compare it to previously stored stimuli
- Recognition
- the process of finding corresponding stimuli in the memory
- Detection
- Proprioception
- information about the movement of our body in space; its balance, position of limbs etc. (body awareness)
- Equilibrium
- balance, tipping, turning, inverting
- Touch
- tactile sense - detects pressure, pain and temperature
- Kinaesthesis
- sense that provides information about the sate of contraction of muscles, tendons or joints
- sense of body - awareness
- sense that provides information about the sate of contraction of muscles, tendons or joints
- Selective attention
- the process of picking out and focusing on those parts of the display that are relevant to our performance
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