Pe Edexcel 1.1.2
Influences of every part of life!
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?- Created by: Katie
- Created on: 17-06-13 09:33
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- Influences on Participation in Sport
- People
- Family
- Children can sometimes participate in the same activities as their parents do.
- Although this is also to do with resources, your parents are the ones to pay for all the equipment required for a sport, so if it is too expensive you may not be encouraged to participate.
- Peers
- The influence of your friends can encourage you to participate in a particular sport.
- Your friends may all be dancers so it may be much easier to succeed with the encouragement of your friends
- Or they may think that a particular sport is rubbish so they may encourage you not to participate in that particular sport.
- Role Models
- A role model is someone whos actions are admired by others.
- They are often in the media's spotlight for their actions causing them to inspire others.
- Being a role model comes with responsibilities eg. not taking drugs or getting into fights.
- Family
- Image
- Fashion
- Many activites require equipment and clothing.
- Some brands of sports equipment can be very fashionable but also very expensive.
- Because of the items of clothing that you have to wear some people - espefially teenage girls - don't want to wear this clothing therefore, will not participate in the sport.
- Media Coverage
- The amount of media coverage for a particular sport can affect the amount of people that participate in that sport.
- Mens football is a popular coverage is covered on many TV channels therefore, boys are encouraged and inspired to participate.
- However, there isn't much coverage of sports like table tennis therefore, there are very few table tennis players compared to footballers or tennis players.
- Fashion
- Cultural factors
- Disability
- People with disabilities are able to take part in sport but this depends on the facilities that their community offers.
- More and more resources are available for those with disabilities to take part however, those at local level need more.
- Age
- Age can affect the performance of an athlete and may affect the rate of participation.
- Health problems may also affect this or other responsibilities such as work or family.
- Gender
- Some sports are seen as male sports others are seen as female so the sport that you may participate in may have been influenced by gender.
- Very few girls participate in cricket so it would be harder to play for a club whereas it wuld be easier for a male.
- Race
- Some footballers can recieve a lot of racial abuse therefore, this could affect some peoples participation rates.
- Disability
- Resources
- Time
- Location
- Depending where you live depends on the facilities you have around so this affects how much sport you participate in.
- Facilities
- Different areas have different facilities whether it is indoor or outdoor, the amount of access you have to these depends on the amount you participate in sport.
- Health and Wellbeing
- By becoming ill you can limit yourself to the amount of sport you participate in however swimming is thought to help joint problems.
- Socio-economic
- Money
- Clubs can cost a lot and so can the equipment and clothing that some sports require. This can prevent some people participating in a sport
- Status
- Some sports have stereotypes such as polo which is seen to be for the rich and wealthy.
- Money
- C - cultral factors
- H - Health and Wellbeing
- I - Image
- R - Resources
- P - People
- S - Socio-economic
- People
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