- Created by: Liberty
- Created on: 13-01-14 17:44
View mindmap
- Inequality
- LA - Banham ecologies
- Sufrubia
- The Foothills
- The Great Plains
- Autopia
- Sao Paulo
- Favelas
- Gated Communities
- Sao Paulo Centro
- Global Investment Zone
- LA
- Skid Row
- Pico-Union
- South-Central
- Gentrification
- Displacement
- Loss of social diversity
- Hackworth "Production of space for more affluent users"
- Polarisation
- Global North/South Divide
- Brandt Line
- Global North are 1/4 of pop but control 4/5th's of world income
- 95% of pop in Global North have enough food and shelter, only 5% of Global South do
- Gini Index
- LA - Banham ecologies
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