Industry relations 1939-69
- Created by: evegauld1
- Created on: 19-11-20 10:17
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- Industrial Relations Overview 1939-69
- WW2
- Ernest Bevan
- Minister for workers
- Bevan Boys - 10% of conscripts had to go to mines 1943-48'
- Minister for workers
- Ernest Bevan
- 1950s
- end of austerity
- made it easier to borrow money
- World economy had a boom
- Macmillan 'never had it so good'
- Conservative 1951-64
- balance of payment issues
- 1950s
- end of austerity
- made it easier to borrow money
- World economy had a boom
- Macmillan 'never had it so good'
- 1960s
- tension between unions, shop stewards and the government
- Problems with productivity
- WW2
- Minister for workers
- Bevan Boys - 10% of conscripts had to go to mines 1943-48'
- promised to modernise Britain
- labour government
- Government were broke
- PM Wilson was seen as a friend of the unions
- 1964
- problems with inflation
- rising number of stikes
- Industrial Relations Overview 1939-69
- WW2
- Ernest Bevan
- Ernest Bevan
- Conservative 1951-64
- balance of payment issues
- 1960s
- tension between unions, shop stewards and the government
- Problems with productivity
- WW2
- labour government
- Government were broke
- rising hatred of unions their power needed to be cut
- Labour planned to curb unions
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