industrial revolution impact
- Created by: chloeelise11111
- Created on: 05-10-21 22:30
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- Industrial revolution impact
- what happened first half of the 19th century
- the effects were mainly negative
- lose of space for traditional games and mob games
- lack of measure time
- 12 hour days, 6 days a week
- Sunday= rest day
- 12 hour days, 6 days a week
- little spare income
- poor working and living conditions
- poor health
- lack of hygiene
- lack of public provisions
- what happened second half of the 19th century
- better living conditions
- health and hygiene improved
- less spread of disease
- local council provisions
- public baths
- more energy and more willing to participate in sport
- gradual wage increases
- half days on Saturday
- more time to participate in sport
- better living conditions
- impact on sport
- acceptable
- respectable
- increased moral code
- stricter rules
- leagues and competitions established
- council links meant public parks available
- more time off and broken time payments
- influence of public school boys
- athleticism values spread to lower class
- industrial patronage
- factory owners became patrons of sport
- supporting the worker to participate
- increasing provisions for recreation and sport
- work teams were set up with facility and excursions
- factory owners became patrons of sport
- urbanisation
- society became more civilised so violent games banned
- purpose built facilities
- Bette working conditions
- higher attendance at sports
- transport revolution
- steam trains and railways
- more participation/spectators
- faster trains
- national leagues and cup competitions
- filed sport more accessible
- steam trains and railways
- development of the middle class
- improved and supported an increase in sporting provisions
- codification
- competition development
- developed public facilities
- more leisure time
- British empire
- sport helped bind people together as an empire
- spread sport around the world
- what happened first half of the 19th century
- looked for work in new factories
- moved from seasonal work to 'machine time'
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