individual differences - psychodynamic approach evaluation
- Created by: Elyseee
- Created on: 13-01-21 13:05
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- psychodynamic approach evaluation
- Freudian concepts out of date
- Difficulty producing testable hypotheses - explanations for schizophrenia now seen as interesting historical footnote
- Cannot demonstrate existence of basic psychodynamic concepts (id, ego, superego), how can we trust these concepts to explain complex disorders
- Freud 1911 - ‘it remains to the future to decide if there is morer delusion in my theory than I should like to admit’
- Failure to provide effective treatment
- Freud believed those with schizophrenia were not suitable for psychoanalysis - they lacked the insight necessary for this treatment
- John Rosen 1947 - insisted they could be treated with psychodynamic techniques
- Strupp et al 1977 - psychoanalytical therapies can lead to harmful rather than beneficial effects for those with schizophrenia
- May be because psychoanalytic techniques require patient to experience memories and insights they are emotionally incapable of dealing with, trying to do so is distressing
- Suggests that if no effective therapy can be established then underlying principles of explanation have no merit
- Inconsistent support for schizophrenogenic mothers
- idea of schizophrenogenic mother was quite popular from 40s-70s, research base it resides on is tenuous at best
- Kasanin et al 1934 - examined hospital case records, reported found evidence of maternal overprotection in 33/45 cases of schizophreni
- Almost ? cases didn’t have overprotective mother, makes it unconvincing evidence
- Kasanin’s judgements may have been biased, may have lacked objectivity
- Overlooks role of genetics
- Suggests development of schizophrenia is consequence of early experiences, a problem of nurture
- There is strong evidence for biological factors
- Evidence from adoption studies, Heston 1966 - reported on diagnosis for schizophrenia of 47 adoptees who had a biological mother with schizophrenia, and 50 without
- Found that 10.6% of those with biological mother with schizophrenia also had schizophrenia, 0% of those who did not have a biological mother with schizophrenia had schizophrenia
- Suggest there might be co-occurence of genes between mother and child rather than how the mother raises the child, that is responsible for schizophrenia
- Freudian concepts out of date
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