Indefinite Demonstrative Pronouns
- Created by: QueenAelin
- Created on: 21-06-18 16:48
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- Indefinite Demonstrative Pronouns
- Are used when referring to abstract concepts or something unnamed or unspecific
- Ce
- Can mean "it, "that", "this", "these" or "those"
- Commonly used with the verb être in the expression "c'est" (plural: "ce sont")
- C'est le moment ou jamais! --> It's now or never!
- Ce sont mes couleurs préféré --> These are my favourite colours
- Can also be used with the double verb constructions pouvoir + être and devoir + être
- Ce doit être important --> This must be important
- Ce pourrait être une mauvaise idée --> This might be a bad idea
- Ceci and Cela
- Used when followed directly by any verb other than être
- Ceci va être difficile à croire --> This is going to be difficult to believe
- Cela doit figurer sur le bon de commande --> This should be on the order form
- They can be direct and indirect objects
- S'il te plaît, mets ceci sur la table
- J'ai pensé à cela hier --> I thought of that yesterday
- Ceci means "this", while Cela means "that". However...
- Ceci is replaced by cela unless the distinction between "this" and "that" is important
- Cela contracts to ça
- Used when followed directly by any verb other than être
- Ça
- Ceci and cela are usually replaced by ça in informal speech
- Ça va être difficile à croire --> This is going to be difficult to believe
- S'il te plaît, mets ça sur la table
- When it's used as an object of a sentence, it usually translates to "this" or "that"
- Tu manges ça --> You are eating this
- Je veux ça --> I want that
- When it's used as a subject, it can also mean "it"
- Ça sent bon --> It smells good
- Ça semble simple --> This seems simple
- Used when an object pronoun comes before être,
- Ça m'est égal
- Ceci and cela are usually replaced by ça in informal speech
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