Nationalism and Liberalism during Italian unification 1815-1861
- Created by: fbng
- Created on: 27-01-20 02:56
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- Evolution of Nationalism and Liberalism in Italy, 1800-1860
- Post Vienna Settlement, 1815
- Italy returned to 18th century state -- states
- Progressive Rulers
- In Tuscany, Ferd III imporved edutcation esp for women, and refused entry of Jesuits
- Duchess Marie Louise of Parma replaced Code Napoléon w smth similar
- Reactionary Rulers
- Piedmont, VE - removed Code Napo, old custom barriers reinstalled, old anti-Semitic laws reintroduced
- Naples, Ferd I - cancelled sicilian const. and ruled with cruel oppression.
- Papal states brought back the Inquisition, and abolished Napo code while maintaining heavy censorship
- Progressive Rulers
- Italy returned to 18th century state -- states
- Italian revolutions in the 30s - aim is to GRANT A CONSTITUTION
- Modena and Parma
- Duke Francis IV betrayed revolutionaries when he didn't grant the promised const, and called on Austrians to defeat the revolutioanaries
- Papal states
- Uprisings of middle class profs and students crushed by Austrian army.
- Modena and Parma
- Italian revolutions in the 20s
- Naples and Sicily -- sicilians declared independence from Naples
- Austrians controlled sicily by abolishing trade guilds of revolutionaries
- Naples and Sicily -- sicilians declared independence from Naples
- 1848/49 Revolutions
- Austria helped crush revolutions in LV, Piedmont, Central Duchies,
- France helped bring down the Roman Republic
- Ironic because liberals were based off French priciples of freedom and were crushed
- Only thing that survived was the Statuto granted by CA in 1848 in Piedmont
- 1850s
- Piedmont
- Flourished with liberal characteristics due to Massimo d'Azeglio and Cavour
- Massimo d'Azeglio
- Siccardi laws which limited the powers of the Church through abolishing ecclesiastical courts
- Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour
- Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, Navy 1850
- Free trade agreements with France and britain
- Imported fertilizer and modernized agriculture
- anti-clerical poliicies
- civil marriage bill
- shut down richest monasteries
- Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, Navy 1850
- Massimo d'Azeglio
- Flourished with liberal characteristics due to Massimo d'Azeglio and Cavour
- Papal States
- Piedmont
- Plombières Meeting
- Agreed on Austrial expulsion and Italian Unification of Northern States
- Garibaldi and the Thousand
- Won the Neapolitan areas for VE II -- sicilians supported him as they watned indepence from gov officials
- Plebiscites
- Naples and Sicily had nearly 100% to unite with Piedmont
- Post Vienna Settlement, 1815
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