Implications Of Research
- Created by: Becca
- Created on: 20-11-12 20:45
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- Implications Of Research
- Skinner
- Behaviours can be shaped and maintained by its concequences :
- Use of reinforcement and token economy
- Ethical issues - people's behaviour is being controlled, which gives staff a lot of power to deprive inmates of privilages which would normally be available
- Use of reinforcement and token economy
- Behaviours can be shaped and maintained by its concequences :
- Milgram
- Showed how ordinary people will do harm to others if told by authority figure
- Evidence used to defend individuals accused of war crimes
- Research = implications for decisions about responsibility and blame
- Milgram
- Showed how ordinary people will do harm to others if told by authority figure
- Evidence used to defend individuals accused of war crimes
- Research = implications for decisions about responsibility and blame
- Research = implications for decisions about responsibility and blame
- Milgram
- Research = implications for decisions about responsibility and blame
- Skinner
- Shows how an individual piece of research is used to develop a system of social control - could conflict with rights and freedom
- Ethical issues - people's behaviour is being controlled, which gives staff a lot of power to deprive inmates of privilages which would normally be available
- Ethical issues - controversial
- Loftus
- Implications Of Research
- Skinner
- Behaviours can be shaped and maintained by its concequences :
- Use of reinforcement and token economy
- Use of reinforcement and token economy
- Behaviours can be shaped and maintained by its concequences :
- Skinner
- People reconstruct events
- Implications Of Research
- Argued that many instances of recovered memory of child abuse are false memories
- Loftus
- People reconstruct events
- Loftus
- She often defends the occused
- Ethics And Culture
- Berry (1969) Cross cultural = imposed ethic
- Special ethical issues arise when investigating other culters and dfferences
- Ethics And Culture
- Berry (1969) Cross cultural = imposed ethic
- Ethics And Culture
- Ainsworth 'strange situation study'
- Classification of attachment behaviours
- Ainsworth 'strange situation study'
- Ainsworth 'strange situation study'
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