Implication on society if aggresssion is nature-based
- Created by: 11pyoung
- Created on: 19-04-17 12:14
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- Implication on society if aggression is nature-based
- Impulse acts of aggression
- Males more likely to show impulse aggression
- Under pressure/stress
- Any impulse act will result in some sort of punishment
- Society sees impulse aggression as choice -based
- Nurture
- Society sees impulse aggression as choice -based
- If found to be nature-based
- We have no choice
- Some people say punish the 'action' not the 'cause'
- Genes selected through evolution for survival
- Genes controlling brain structure
- larger Amygdala
- Raine and Gage
- Smaller Prefrontal cortex
- Makes us more impulsive
- Genes controlling Hormone levels
- Increased testosterone levels
- Archer
- Genes controlling brain structure
- We have no choice
- Control of impulsivity
- Evolved social group survival
- Aggressive in social group
- Social group breaks up
- Lowers chances of survival
- Social group breaks up
- Enlarged Prefrontal cortex
- Reduces impulsivity
- Reduces aggression
- Forms stable social group
- Increases chances of survival
- Stabilises aggression
- Have a choice
- Nurture
- 'Action' should be punished
- Nurture
- Have a choice
- Forms stable social group
- Reduces aggression
- Reduces impulsivity
- Aggressive in social group
- Evolved social group survival
- Evidence aggression is nature-based
- MAOA gene
- Nature
- Decreases the level of a certain enzyme in the brain
- Increasing Impulsivity and aggression
- Gene and background interacting
- Both nature and nurture
- Gene and background interacting
- Increasing Impulsivity and aggression
- Gene and background interacting
- Both nature and nurture
- Activated by social deprivation
- MAOA gene
- Implication
- Look for biological pre-disposition
- Intervene
- If aggression is nature-based are they criminally responsible?
- Unfair
- Punishing their biology
- Unfair
- Emphasis not on punishment but on treatment and therapy
- Needs to be a change
- Society needs to see aggression as beyond the person's control
- Untitled
- Society needs to see aggression as beyond the person's control
- Needs to be a change
- Needs to be a change
- Society needs to see aggression as beyond the person's control
- Untitled
- Society needs to see aggression as beyond the person's control
- Look for biological pre-disposition
- Impulse acts of aggression
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