Impact of WWI on Germany
- Created by: lauryn.horn
- Created on: 21-01-17 12:56
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- Impact of the war on Germany
- Germany had a revolution and became an unstable democratic republic
- Stresses of war led to a revolution in October-November 1918
- The Ex-soldiers and civilians despised the new democratic leaders
- The war had deepened divisions in German society
- Many German workers were bitter at the restrictions placed on their earnings during the war while factory owners made fortunes
- During the war women were called up to work in factories. Many people saw this as damage to traditional family values and society as a whole
- Germany was literally bankrupt
- Industrial production was about two-thirds of what it was
- National income was about one-third of what it had been in 1913
- War left millions of people without fathers and husbands - the sate was spending about one-third of its budget on war pensions
- Germany had a revolution and became an unstable democratic republic
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