Impact of First World War on domestic politics
- Created by: Beeper790
- Created on: 11-04-22 09:38
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- American desire for return to 'normalcy'
- Impact of First World War on domestic politics
- Increased federal gov't intervention
- New agencies created to manage war effort
- War Industries Board managed rationing and fixed prices
- Americans pay federal taxes for the first time
- Sedition Act 1918 silenced anti-war voices
- 5m men drafted to fight in WWI in 1917
- It was so unreal that not all Americans believed it
- New agencies created to manage war effort
- Prohibition and Red Scare
- Increased federal gov't intervention
- Americans grow tired of Democrat activism
- Wilson's 'He Kept Us Out Of War' Campaign Backfires
- Warren Harding elected president 1920
- Runs successful 'America First' campaign
- Recognised concern of falling exports, high unemployement
- His support for women's suffrage won him votes
- Republican-owned media and appealing personality won him public opinion
- Impact of First World War on domestic politics
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