The Tempest CIE Literature IGCSE
- Created by: Gianamar
- Created on: 28-03-13 18:18
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- Illusion of Justice in the Tempest
- Prospero forgives his enemies and surrenders his magic. At the end, he no longer has any role to play, post-play.
- Prospero has an extremely one-sided sense of justice
- The play offers no other point of view
- Therefore, the play becomes MORALLY AMBIGUOUS
- As the play develops, Prospero convinces the audience that his story is fully truthful
- The play offers no other point of view
- Prospero is hypocritical
- He sees himself as a victim of injustices, but has no qualms about enslaving Ariel and Caliban in order to achieve his goals.
- UNJUST ACT: Antonio's usurpation of Prospero's dukedom
- Justice in the Tempest is highly subjective
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