IGCSE Biology (double award) Mindmap specification skeleton
- Created by: madeline young
- Created on: 10-03-16 12:36
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- IGCSE Biology Edexcel
- Section 1 The nature and variety of living things
- a) Characteristic of living organisms
- Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition
- b) Variety of living organisms
- Plants
- Animals
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Protoctists
- Viruses
- a) Characteristic of living organisms
- Section 2 Structures and functions in living organisms
- a) Levels of organisation
- b) Cell structure
- C Biological molecules
- d) Movement in and out of cells
- e) Nutrition
- f) Respiration
- g) Gas exchange
- h) Transport
- i) Excretion
- j Coordination and response
- Section 3 Reproduction and inheritance
- a) Reproduction
- b) inheritance
- Section 4 Ecology and environment
- a) The organism in the environment
- b) Feeding relationships
- c) Cycles within ecosystems
- d) Human influences in the environment
- Section 5 Use of biological resources
- a) Food production
- b) Selective breeding
- c) Genetic modification
- d) Cloning
- Section 1 The nature and variety of living things
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