Nomothetic Vs. Idiographic debate
- Created by: Hannah Brearley - Bayliss
- Created on: 03-04-15 14:41
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- Idiographic vs. Nomothetic
- Idiographic approach
- About individual and uniqueness.
- Provate subjective, and conscious experience, feelings beliefs and values.
- Investigates individuals in a detailed way.
- Qualitative data.
- Case study method.
- Unstructured interviews, self - report, introspection and reflection.
- Use of autobiographies and personal documents.
- Dream association.
- Numerical data not used.
- Nomothetic approach
- Generallaws of behaviour that can be applied to large populations.
- Classifying people into various groups.
- Establishing principals of of behaviour that can be applied to people in genera.
- Establishing dimensions on which people can be placed and compared.
- Scientific, qualitative methods.
- Large samples.
- Strengths
- Idiographic:
- Some scientific principals can be appliedto the study os the individual.
- Provides more complete understanding of the individual.
- Ideas form basis for future study.
- Nomothetic
- Scientific.
- Large groups using objectivity.
- Replicable and generalisable.
- Idiographic:
- Limitations
- Nomothetic:
- Predictions cannot be exact for all.
- Superficial understanding.
- Idiographic:
- Not generalisable.
- Subjective, flexible and under standardised.
- Difficult to repeat or predict.
- Unscientific.
- Nomothetic:
- Idiographic approach
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