Idiographic and Nomothetic
- Created by: Thunder1107
- Created on: 03-10-17 18:45
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- Idiographic and Nomothetic
- Idiographic - focuses on individuals and emphasises uniqueness
- Qualitative methods
- It studies behaviour by studying individuals in depth. Quality not quantity
- Examples
- Freud used case studies to look at behaviour e.g. little Hans
- Humanistic - as they study the whole person and is subjective
- Qualitative methods
- Nomothetic - create general laws based on the study of groups
- Quantitative methods
- Data from a group of people rather than individual cases
- Examples
- Biological - basic principles of how the brain and body work
- Behaviourist - They seek one set of rules for all people
- Cognitive - It creates general laws of behaviour but uses case studies (HM)
- Quantitative methods
- Evaluation
- Combined methods
- Idiographic can be used to create hypotheses to be tested in a nomothetic approach
- Time consuming
- Idiographic approach is time consuming as data can't be processed quickly
- Predictions
- The idiographic approach does not allow us to make accurate predictions
- Scientific basis
- The idiographic approach is not scientific enough
- Individual level
- Too much emphasis on measurement = idiographic to focus psychology on humans
- Combined methods
- Idiographic - focuses on individuals and emphasises uniqueness
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