Identity + Class
- Created by: CaitlinH317
- Created on: 02-01-19 16:33
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- Bourdieu
- economic, cultural and social capital
- passed on from parent to child and through education
- Keddie
- teachers perceptions and class
- middle class = top set
- working class = lower sets
- Karl Marx
- religion maintains class inequality
- reinforces hierarchy and distracts working class from oppression
- Feinstein
- middle class parents place more emphasis on value of education
- difference in achievement is due to lack of parental interest
- Wilmot + Young
- working class value family life
- middle class focus on work and career
- Bruce
- working class = passive forms of religion eg. astrology
- middle class = control and personal development eg. self-healing or Buddhism
- Mooney
- upper class exercise social closure
- Glennon + Butsch
- working class = underrepresented in the media, comically
- middle class = overrepresented, cope effectively
- Grey
- working class use tv and video games more than middle classes
- Bourdieu
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