Treatment c1200-modern
- Created by: charlotte231
- Created on: 13-06-24 18:42
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- Treatment of Illness through different time periods
- 1200
- The Theory of Opposites
- Developed by Claudius Galen (Ancient Rome doctor)
- Disease could be treated by restoring the balance of the four humours
- This would be done by treating the opposite symptom
- For Example, if a patient said they were shivering and sweating, then they would be warmed and dried
- This would be done by treating the opposite symptom
- Phlebotomy
- Leeches or lancets would be used to remove the excess of blood (the most common imbalance)
- Herbal Remedies
- Thousands of years of knowledge was passed down about properties of herbs and plants
- A range of treatments were available. Some were more successful than others
- Thousands of years of knowledge was passed down about properties of herbs and plants
- Prayer and Pilgrimage
- Commonly used. People would ask God to forgive their sins so they would be cured.
- Pilgrimages by the sick were also common as they were hoping for miracles to cure them.
- Commonly used. People would ask God to forgive their sins so they would be cured.
- Prayer and Pilgrimage
- Purging
- Imbalances of black/ yellow bile would be treated with emetics and laxatives
- Emetics = person would vomit. Laxatives = person would have a bowel movement
- Imbalances of black/ yellow bile would be treated with emetics and laxatives
- The Theory of Opposites
- 1500
- Phlebotomy
- Purging
- Herbal Remedies
- Sweating
- Restoring the balance of the humours by encouraging the humours to be sweated out
- Transference
- Transferring the disease to an animal or object
- For example, rubbing a stone on a boil to draw the illness out
- Transferring the disease to an animal or object
- Iatrochemistry
- Also known as medical chemistry
- Alchemy led to people searching for chemicals and minerals to use as treatments
- Sweating
- 1700
- Phlebotomy
- Although discredited by William Harvey it was still regularly prescribed by doctors
- This was because it was still a common and understood treatment.
- Although discredited by William Harvey it was still regularly prescribed by doctors
- Hospital Care
- The work of individuals like Florence nightingale encouraged the growth of modern hospitals where patients could receive compassionate, hygienic and prompt medical care.
- Surgery
- More complex surgery could be carried out to treat disease and illness.
- This was because of a greater understanding of anaesthetics (pain relief), the effects of infection and the consequences of blood loss.
- More complex surgery could be carried out to treat disease and illness.
- Patent Medicines
- Increasing scientific understanding led to a desire for modern ‘scientific’ medicines.
- Medicines were produced which claimed to use chemicals or new drugs to cure many (if not all) diseases.
- Increasing scientific understanding led to a desire for modern ‘scientific’ medicines.
- Phlebotomy
- Modern
- Scientists continued to work on developing new vaccinations to prevent diseases
- Continued to build on the work of Pasteur and Koch.
- The germ Theory had proven the need to keep living areas and water clean
- Methods for treating disease were stilll limited.
- Scientists began looking into chemical treatments.
- Scientists continued to work on developing new vaccinations to prevent diseases
- 1200
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