Monarchy in England
- Created by: lucray
- Created on: 27-04-15 18:06
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- How powerful was the monarchy, 1500- 1700?
- 1534
- Henry VIII breaks away from the roman catholic church
- 1554
- Mary 1 persuades parliament to help her make England Catholic again.
- 1547
- Edward VI becomes king at the age of 9!
- 1559
- Elizabeth I persuades Parliament to help her make England protestant again
- 1588
- Elizabeth I defeats the Spanish armada
- 1629
- Charles I send Parliament away and rules without them for 11 years.
- 1642
- Charles I declares war on Parliament after they refuse to agree with him over taxes and religion
- 1649
- Charles I is executed after losing the Civil War with Parliament
- 1652
- Oliver Cromwell rules as Lord Protecter
- 1660
- When Cromwell dies, Parliament decide to restore the monarchy and invite Charles II to rule.
- 1688
- Untitled
- 1534
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