How did Hitler challenge and exploit the TOV?
- Created by: Alishagrace_
- Created on: 12-05-14 14:55
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- How did Hitler challenge and exploit the TOV?
- Hitler's aims and foreign policy.
- Acheiving Hitlers aims.
- By taking back land that was given away in the TOV
- Bring the 7 million German speaking people back into his empire
- Build up the German army
- Expand in the east, against the USSR
- Hitler's aims.
- To unite all German speaking people
- Acheiving Hitlers aims.
- German Rearmament
- Disarmament conference
- It was obvious France would never disarm.
- Hitler used this to his advantage
- Germany claimed that they were willing to disarm.
- But only if other countries did too.
- Germany began to rearm, introducing conscription in 1935.
- It was obvious France would never disarm.
- Why was it not stopped?
- Many in Britain felt the TOV was unfair on Germany
- France felt the opposit to Britain. and felt that the TOV needed to be harsher
- Disarmament conference
- Ten-year non-aggression pact
- Signed a pact with Poland with guaranteed the boundaries of Poland.
- It was to secure the Polish corridor
- It pleased Britain as it meant Germany had accepted the frontier with poland
- Britain saw it as proof that Hitler's aims were peacful
- Failed anschluss
- Hitler encouraged the Austrian Nazi Party to rebel resulting in the murder of the Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss
- It looked as if Hitler's aim of the reunification of Germany and Austria was going to be achieved.
- It was prevented by Mussolini moving his army to the border of Austria.
- Hitler realised he was not strong enough and had to back down.
- Anglo-German Naval agreement and Rearmament
- German willingness to sign is further proof to Britain of their good intention
- 35%/1/3 of British Navy
- By 1938 Germany had 800,000 men, 47 new boats and 200,000 air craft
- Return of the Saar
- 1935 - Pebicite and 90% voted to rejoin Germany
- Consequences
- Made Hitler very popular
- Britain and France did not object
- Did not go against TOV
- Remilertarisation of the Rhineland
- 1936 - German soldiers march into rhineland
- Broke TOV and Lacarno pact
- Told them to retreat if France apposed
- Followed up by 25 year non agression promise
- Concequences
- Britain did not think Hitler was doing anything wrong
- Hitler had successfully overturned treaty - confident
- Lead to Rome- Berlin axis: Happened at same time as Absynian Crisis
- Britain Rearm
- French build Maginot line
- Anschluss with Austria
- Was forbidden by TOV
- Riots started in Austria, Chancellor Schushnigg asked Hitler fdor help
- Hitler succeeded and Schuschnigg called for a plebicite
- Hitler could not afford for the vote not to be in his favour
- Hitler marches troops to the border to demand a call off of the plebicite.
- Schuschnigg resigns and Seyss-Inquart relplaces him
- Hitler's aims and foreign policy.
- Disarmament conference
- It was obvious France would never disarm.
- Hitler used this to his advantage
- Germany claimed that they were willing to disarm.
- But only if other countries did too.
- Germany began to rearm, introducing conscription in 1935.
- It was obvious France would never disarm.
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