How psychological understanding has developed over time
- Created by: niamhfoxe
- Created on: 29-03-17 09:41
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- How psychological understanding has developed over time
- Social
- Still use Social Impact Theory and Realistic Conflict theory
- Burger's replica study found the same results as Milgram's original
- Procedure was not completely the same.
- Cognitive
- Still using Bartlett's Reconstructive Memory since 1932.
- WMM- Added an episodic buffer in 2000
- WMM (1968)- lead to development of MSM (1974) but still using the same concepts.
- Biological
- 1848 Phineas Gage- taught us about his behavioural change.
- Using this and brain scans we have a better understanding of aggression.
- Darwin's theory of evolution is still here.
- hormones- Research in 1950s & 60s of their role in aggression.
- Old procedure was to cut holes in brain to let evil spirits out.
- 1848 Phineas Gage- taught us about his behavioural change.
- Learning
- New impact of violent video games on learning
- Classical, Operant, SLT are all still the same and in use.
- Phobias- use classical to treat but associating relaxation instead of fear.
- CBT-E (cognitive behavioural therapy- enhanced) used to treat eating disorders.
- Pavlov and Skinner's experiments still stand
- Criminal
- Biological explanations for aggression etc.
- Brain scans, structures in Raine's murderer study.
- Genetic testing much quicker (eg. to see XYY gene)
- Activity in the brain (brain scan)
- Eyewitness Testimony- understanding of how it can be affected (eg. weapon focus, stress & arousal.
- Loftus & Palmer's leading question
- Clinical
- Now up to date with DSM-5 and ICD-10
- Been developed over 60 years to be objective and reliable.
- Neurostransmitter can now explain part of disorders
- Using drugs to treat disorders (anti-psychotics)
- Now a reduced number of side effects than before and more effective
- Nature vs. Nurture still stands. (Genes vs. environment)
- Now up to date with DSM-5 and ICD-10
- Social
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