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?- Created by: lucyperry1998
- Created on: 20-02-16 12:10
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- how much was society affected by immigration 1917-80
- how did earlier immigration affects reactions to immigrants in the 1920s?
- early years there was no restrcitions
- change of immigrants from northern european to east and western- they struggled to adapt to US culture
- most immigrants went to the cities where the were jobs in industry
- Dillingham Commission
- investigated impact immigration had on the USA
- immigrants posed a threat to society
- established 'old' and 'new' immigrants
- findings used to justify the Emergency Quota Act of 1921
- Why legislate?
- legislation was set up to try and control hysteria due to immigration
- fear of communists and anarchists
- Dillingham report
- Red Scare 1919-20
- Unemployment
- post war isolationism
- effect of immigration in the 1920s?
- there was hostility especially in urban areas because there was so much competition
- quota system didn't apply to south america so number of mexican immigrants rose
- many immigrants were illegal and were exploited because of their fear of deportation
- great depression led to many Mexicans being deported
- many people first overlooked the fact some immigrants were illegal because of the demand for workers
- what impact did immigrants have on urban life?
- the melting pot
- term given to the USA because it had so many different cultures
- most towns were informally segregated where they had their own shops and culture away from normal society
- Henry Ford trained his workers in order to 'Americanise' them
- immigrants tried to get their children into higher education to better their lives
- the bottom of the heap
- newest immigrants ended up with the worst jobs, pay and living conditions
- because of their large numbers they became a political influence
- Roosevelt and his 'New deal'
- established immigrants tended to help the newer ones
- the melting pot
- what affect dd WW2 have on immigrants
- Japanese, Germans and Italians were seen as enemy aliens
- 120,000 Japanese were shut up in internment camps after pearl harbour
- business owners from these groups often had windows smashed
- many volunteered to fight but weren't expected to fight fellow countrymen
- government policy and consequences
- removing the quota system
- 1952 immigration and nationality act
- wanted to help refugees escape communism
- lots of refugee acts from 1953 onwards
- kennedy wanted immigrationto enrich society
- asian immigrants
- many asian immigrants came to USA to flee the Vietnam War
- immigrant numbers qualdrupled after the 1965 act
- 700,000 immigrants by 1985
- centeral and southern american immigrants
- 1954 the immigration and naturalisation service tried to control immigration- operation *******
- 1976 put a 20,000 limit on immigrarion
- many people wanted to join their families so became 'illegals'
- illegal immigrants
- no exact record for the number of immigrants
- 60,000 a year in the 1970s
- cheap exploitable labour
- mainly Mexican but also from the Philippines
- shifting attitudes
- shouted with government policy
- country going badly- immigrants blamed
- carter couldn't keep refugees out
- removing the quota system
- how did earlier immigration affects reactions to immigrants in the 1920s?