Loyalty in Macbeth
- Created by: roseamelie
- Created on: 04-04-18 11:33
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- how loyalty is shown in Macbeth
- Setting
- Great Chain of Being
- Macbeth's loyalty to the supernatural, he chooses to return
- Dunsinane = 'hell', disloyalty to Macbeth, no longer a safe haven.
- Characters
- Macbeth
- disloyalty to his morals and religion
- physical disloyalty to Dunacn
- loyalty to Lady Macbeth and their relationship
- loyalty to his ambition and desires
- Lady Macbeth
- disloyalty to satan
- disloyalty to her husband
- loyalty to her conscience
- disloyalto Duncan
- Banquo
- exemplifies Macbeth and Lady Macbeths disloyalty to the king
- loyal to his morals and his king
- loyal to friendship with macbeth
- Macbeth
- Language
- can't say 'amen',disloyal to God
- Duncan's loyal language to Macbeth, 'worthy cousin, valiant gentleman,
- Lady Macbeth's emasculation, flattery and aggressive language ensuresMacbeths loyalty to her
- Macbeths loyal language about Duncan after he dies
- Structure
- Duncan's last word before Macbeth enters is 'trust'
- before Macbeth enters, we hear lots about his loyalty to his king and country within battle
- disloyalto tragic hero cycle
- Setting
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