Geography Development Mindmap
- Created by: Sudanshu
- Created on: 20-12-16 18:18
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- How international efforts can reduce global inequalities.
- Fair trade is a fairer trading system. it was established in the UK .
- This helps producers in developing countries to achieve better trading conditions.
- There are opportunities to improve living standard and quality of life.
- The debt on poorer countries can be reduced or cancelled.
- Short -term aid: Aid from MEDCs to relieve a disastrous situation.
- Short term aid can save lives immediately. Alteratively, aid can rebuild houses, infrastructure and livelihoods after a disaster.
- Long-term aid: Aid given over a significant period of time, which aims to promote economic development
- Aid can also be a good way of forming strong relationships with other countries
- Multilateral Aid: Aid provided by many countries at a further stage of development.
- It is organised by an international body such as the UN (United Nations) , IMF (International Monetary Fund) or World Bank.
- It is then redistributed to development projects in countries at lesser stages of development.
- It is organised by an international body such as the UN (United Nations) , IMF (International Monetary Fund) or World Bank.
- Short -term aid: Aid from MEDCs to relieve a disastrous situation.
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