how far was destalinisation a break from the past?
- Created by: Ellioo
- Created on: 21-05-22 15:41
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- how far was destalinisation a break from the past?
- secret speech 1956
- far
- 617k prisoners released after, 1/3rd central committee replace
- not far
- dictatorship of K and party. patronage and corruption continued.
- far
- political change
- far
- mps not imprisoned for failing targets
- decentralisation, min of agri
- only 3 years party service
- not far
- power of a communist dictatorship continued
- decentralisation- lacked direction, so minsters took charge
- far
- repression
- not far
- hungary 1956- 2500 killed
- poland spared/ gomulka- bc not asking to leave Warsaw Pact
- poznan
- poland spared/ gomulka- bc not asking to leave Warsaw Pact
- poland spared/ gomulka- bc not asking to leave Warsaw Pact
- poznan
- criticism- psych ward, exile etc
- nobel prize- dr zhivago not allowed
- abstract art exhibition closed
- churches 20k- 13k
- hungary 1956- 2500 killed
- not far
- economic change
- far
- consumer goods v heavy industry
- lack of investment+ expansion in agri under stalin v virgin lands
- not far
- still economic growth over quality
- arms race
- centrl planning- failure of V lands
- far
- secret speech 1956
- Far
- anti-party group not executed
- new law code 1958
- repression
- not far
- hungary 1956- 2500 killed
- criticism- psych ward, exile etc
- nobel prize- dr zhivago not allowed
- abstract art exhibition closed
- churches 20k- 13k
- hungary 1956- 2500 killed
- not far
- absenteeism/turnover not illegal/punished
- artist fredom post '54
- ivan book
- foreign media/visitors
- attack on dictatorship, cult of personality etc
- far
- 617k prisoners released after, 1/3rd central committee replace
- far
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