How far did de-Stalinisation represent a genuine break from the past (Depth study 3)
- Created by: Lizz2002
- Created on: 12-01-21 13:47
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- How far did de - Stalinisation represent a genuine break from the past
- De - centralisation of control
- 1957 - creation of Snarkhozy. 105 regional councils given control over economic development
- Was abolished as it just added a layer of bureaucracy
- Was rolled back as Moscow Council was given overall control
- Abolishment of uni fees
- Transfer power to the 15 regions
- 1957 - creation of Snarkhozy. 105 regional councils given control over economic development
- De - centralisation of the communist party
- Party membership increased to 11 million - mostly workers and peasants
- Initiatives like social + economic reform were delegated to local offices
- De - centralisation of control
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