How did the Tsar regain control after the 1905 revolution?
- Created by: ellabbear
- Created on: 22-02-22 13:51
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- How did the Tsar regain control after 1905?
- Political support
- The Tsar put in place the "October Manifesto", in which he ensured a constitutional monarchy. This split the liberals into octoberists, who were happy with this, and kadets, who wanted this to go further.
- The Russo-Japanese war was also ended, therefore nullifying political dissent from Russias failures during the war.
- Repression
- P. N. Durnovo
- Durnovo used the Okhrana to crush the workers uprisings, as they arrested hundreds of people.
- Durnovo was involved in the arrests of the St Petersburg Soviet leaders and crushing the uprising that this caused.
- Due to the revolution, the former minister of interior was replaced with Durnovo, a Tsarist reactionary.
- P. N. Durnovo
- Reforms
- To appease the peasants, a peasants land bank was introduced, as well as a reduction and then removal of redemption taxes.
- For regain army loyalty, the Tsar reformed the length of service and amount of pay.
- Stolypin and Witte worked on economic reforms, taking loans from other countries and putting that money into the Russian industries.
- Political support
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