India and the First World War
- Created by: EliseJ
- Created on: 13-03-18 09:04
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- India in the First World War
- How did the first world war change relations between Indians and British?
- Declaration of war supported universally in India
- Bal Tilak, most influential radical leader, Congress, gave support
- Gandhi gave support 1914, South Africa, then 1915 in India
- First Indian troops arrived Flanders 12th Oct 1914
- During war India supplied 1.25 million+ men & £150 million
- Declaration of war supported universally in India
- Why did Indians support the war?
- Many out of loyalty + belief cause was just
- Sikhs + some castes - believed fighting + dying in battle true aim of life
- Wanted to prove Indians deserve equal respect
- Politicians - increase support for home rule - Britain forced make concessions
- What effect did war have on Congress?
- Ending partition of Bengal 1911 reduced criticism
- Outbreak of war = support Britain - many members saw war opportunity develop home rule idea
- Congress leaders assumed support end in concessions after victory
- 1916 - Congress + ML agreed joint strategy @ Lucknow Pact
- Muslims guaranteed representation in Indian assembly - Congress more important member of Pact - ML being insignificant
- How did British govt react?
- Montagu (Secretary of State) = Montagu Declaration suggesting Indians be increasingly involved in govt administration
- Montagu visited India 1917-18 - July 1918 Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms published
- Montagu-Chelmsford became part of law 1919 in Govt of India Act - set up system known as 'dyarchy'
- Executive council set up to advise Viceroy - inc. 3 Indians
- Imperial Legislative council renamed Assembly - 146 members, 106 elected members
- Council State set up - 61 members - review legislation
- British members dealt w/defence, foreign affairs + taxation/ Indians dealt with agriculture, education + sanitation
- Indian Provinces - Executive Coucnil appointed by Governor responsible to Legislative council were appointed
- Provincial govt now have Indian + British ministers
- Why did Congress reject the Govt of India Act?
- Dec 1919 - situation India got worse
- 1917+ food prices rose
- 1918-19 poor harvests - make inflation worse
- Unrest broke out - particularly Bengal + Punjab
- British govt v concerned might lose control - very few British troops stationed India
- 1918 - Rowlatt Commission - 1919 + Rowlatts Act passed
- Acts extended wartime restrictions into peacetime
- enabled govt of India to arrest intern troublemakers w/o trial
- Opposed by all Indian members of Imperial Legislative Council
- Why were the Rowlatt Acts important?
- Came just after ww1 - Indians expecting some form of self govt
- Hopes had been raised then dashed by Montagu-Chelmsford reforms
- Rowlatt acts suggested British govt no intention on relaxing grip on India
- When acts passed - Tilak in London so Gandhi had to emerge as real leader of Congress
- Tilak died 1920 - Gandhi unchallenged
- How did the first world war change relations between Indians and British?
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