How did Mussolini gain power in 1922?
- Created by: agracex
- Created on: 13-12-23 09:40
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- What different factors helped Mussolini gain power in 1922?
- Worsening political situation in Italy
- Ongoing strikes -> Nitti resigns 9 June 1920. Replaced by Giolitti- solution to strike: seek compromise. Short term success
- Giolitti faced backlash for 'giving in' to workers, contrasting with Fascists who seen as force preventing revolution
- Italy's political and social chaos + weak opposition
- 1921, radical PSI formed PCI- split weakened left wing movement
- Mussolini: Fascist actions saved Italy from left-wing revolution- propaganda
- 1922, PSI + PCI 24hr strike failed. Mussolini: "strike failed due to fascists".- Made people believe only PNF prevented Italy from rev
- Squadristi Violence
- Mussolini encouraged upsurge in fascist violence, hoping to use this to blackmail government into giving him power
- Spring 1922- Fascist violence expanded- Blackshirts attacked socialist controlled areas
- Inadequate response of lib gov
- July strike played into fascist's hands
- Squads launched new attacks in Genoas, Milan- murdered socialist leaders, burned offices
- 1922, PNF grown to 320,000 members, half a million joined fascist trade unions
- Worsening political situation in Italy
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