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  • homeostasis
    • what can it control
      • temperature
        • If temp were allowed to rise out of control protein and therefore enzyme structure would be affected
      • amount of water in the body
        • the levels of water can affect metabolism and osmosis
      • amount of glucose in the body
        • can affect osmosis and the rate of respiration
      • amount of nitrogenous waste in the body
        • nitrogenous waste can become toxic in the body
    • the control system for regulation of homeostasis is an open system
      • any deviation from reference point actives the control system
      • control system = A feedback mechanism
        • two forms of feedback mechanisms
          • Negative feedback
            • occurs when the product of the reaction leads to a decrease in that reaction. which is then brought back to a steady, stable state
          • Positive feedback
            • when a high level of something triggers the body to increase it even further e.g childbirth
      • control system/ homeostasis regulation: 5 basic components
        • 1. stimulus - physical, chemical, environmental factor/ disturbance that causes deviation of normal body's environment
        • 2. receptor (sensor) - receives 1. and forwards to the control centre - neurons
        • 3. control centre- receives and processes info from the receptor e.g Brain or Hypothalamus
        • 4. Effector - responds to the 1. e.g Glands, muscles
        • 5. Response - a corrective measure towards the disturbance. it can oppose or enhance the 1.
    • The maintenance of a constant state within the body


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