The First Home Rule Bill
- Created by: natalie197
- Created on: 14-04-14 11:55
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- Home Rule Bill 1886
- 1885- Hawarden Kite released to the press
- Said that Gladstone was definitely going to pursue Home Rule
- Historians believe that Gladstone did this because of the strength of the Irish Party
- They had won 86 out of 103 seats (the liberals had none) and had been negotiating with the Conservatives
- Main features of the Home Rule Bill
- Ireland would have an assembly with two orders
- British government would still control defence, Empire and the Crown
- Irish Parliament would raise its own taxes and contribute £3,242,000 to the Empire
- No Irish MPs in Westminister
- Who Objected the Bill?
- Conservatives
- Many Liberals
- John Bright and Joseph Chamberlain felt it went too far
- Bill was defeated in House of Commons by 30 votes
- Gladstone resigned as Prime Minister
- Liberals split: Gladstone Liberals holding 192 seats, Chamberlain's Liberals gained 77 seats and Conservatives held 316.
- Rioting in Belfast with 32 dead and 371 wounded from Protestants angry about the possibility of HR
- The Conservative Government 1886-1893
- "Kill Home Rule with kindness"
- Repressive against protesters and police were given greater powers (Perpetual Crimes Act 1887)
- Mitchelstown Massacre 1887- Police shot 3 protesters
- Repressive against protesters and police were given greater powers (Perpetual Crimes Act 1887)
- Tried to bring in laws to make the Irish happy
- 1885- Hawarden Kite released to the press
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