Hitler's Consolidation of Power - Germany
- Created by: RConwa_y
- Created on: 25-05-18 09:40
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- Hitler's Consolidation of Power
- The Legal Revolution
- 27 Feb 1933
- Reichstag Fire. Berlin Parliament Building was burned down and the communists were blamed
- 28 Feb 1933
- Decree for the Protection of the People and the State
- Hitler was granted emergency powers. All civil liberties were suspended and many ant-Nazis were arrested
- 5 March 1933
- Election. Hitler called fresh elections in hope for a Nazi majority. The Nazi vote increased to 43.9%
- 23 March 1933
- Enabling Act.The Reichstag voted, with a 2/3 majority because many members were absent, for the Enabling Act
- It gave Hitler total power and ended democracy. Full power was transferred to the Chancellor and government. A legal dictatorship was created
- 14 July 1933
- Nazi Party became the only legal one. Hitler banned all other parties
- 27 Feb 1933
- Co-ordination (Gleichschaltung)
- Gleichschaltung was the Nazification, forced co-operation, with the regime
- There was a revolution from below by the SA and a revolution from above from Berlin to put this in place
- The aim was to merge society with Nazism, so Nazis could control every aspect of life
- Institutions
- Federal States
- Regional parliaments were dissolved and abolished
- Reich governors were created
- Central government became the most important institution
- Political Parties
- Communists were banned after the Reichstag Fire
- The SD Party was banned and its assets seized
- Most parties dissolved themselves
- The Nazi Party became the only legal one
- Trade Unions
- Union premises were occupied. Funds were seized and leaders sent to concentration camps
- Independent unions were banned and replaced by the German Labour Front (DAF)
- Federal States
- The Night of the Long Knives
- Hitler had to deal with opposition from Ernst Rohm and the SA, due to their indiscipline
- Hitler chose to execute Rohm and other SA leaders in June 1934
- Consequences of the Night
- It removed the SA and won the support of the conservative Right. The army took an oath of loyalty to Hitler
- The **, Hitler's personal bodyguard, emerged as an independent organisation
- Hitlet secured his dictatorship. Hitler was able to get away with these political executions
- Hindenburg died in August 1934 and Hitler merge the roles of president and chancellor into Fuhrer
- The Legal Revolution
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