Hitler Comes to Power
- Created by: safiarofidi
- Created on: 04-05-15 12:41
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- Hitler Comes to Power
- Changing the Law
- The Nazis won 288 seats but no majority
- Communists won 81
- Hitler declared the Communist Party illegal
- Gave him enough support in parliament to bring in an Enabling Bill March 1933
- Allowed him to govern for four years without parliament and made all other parties illegal
- Gave him enough support in parliament to bring in an Enabling Bill March 1933
- Hitler declared the Communist Party illegal
- Communists won 81
- The Nazis won 288 seats but no majority
- The Night of the Long Knives
- Goals
- Eradicate biggest threat to Hitler: Ernst Röhm, controlled SA
- Events
- 29th-30th June 1934 Hitler sent men to arrest Röhm and others
- Several hundred killed
- Including Röhm, Strasser and Von Schleicher
- All potential opposition stamped out
- Including Röhm, Strasser and Von Schleicher
- Several hundred killed
- 29th-30th June 1934 Hitler sent men to arrest Röhm and others
- Hindenburg died a month later
- Hitler combined posts of Chancellor and President
- Made himself commander-in-chief of army
- Became Der Führer
- Start of dictatorship
- Hitler combined posts of Chancellor and President
- Goals
- New, Strong, Leadership
- Germany re-organised into a number of provinces
- Each province a Gau, with a Gauleiter (loyal Nazi) in control
- Reichsleiters advised Hitler
- Goebbels in charge of propaganda
- Himmler chief of German Police
- Führer, Hitler, in absolute control
- Every aspect of life carefully controlled and only loyal nazis sucessful
- Germany re-organised into a number of provinces
- Changing the Law
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